Nasal Polyps

Nasal Polyps

What are Nasal Polyps?

These benign and edematous growths are usually multiple, mobile, and bilateral.  Nasal distention and enlargement of the bony framework may be a result from nasal polyps that are large and numerous, and possibly occluding the airway.  Nasal polyps usually develop as a result of continuous pressure resulting from a chronic allergy that causes mucous membrane edema in the nose and sinuses.  They usually occur more commonly in adults.


  • Nasal obstruction
  • Anosmia (absence of the sense of smell )
  • A sensation of fullness in the face
  • Nasal discharge
  • SOB (shortness of breath )


Corticosteroids either by direct injection into the polyp or by local spray, to reduce the polyp temporarily.  Treatment of the underlying cause may include:  antihistamines to control allergy and antibiotic therapy if infection is present.  Allergy immunotherapy may be indicated to decrease the allergic response.  Local application of an astringent shrinks hypertrophied tissue.

Medical management alone is rarely effective, and for this reason, the treatment of choice is polypectomy (intranasal removal of the nasal polyp with a wire snare), usually performed under local anesthesia.  If continued recurrence, surgical opening of the ethmoidal and maxillary sinuses, and evacuation of diseased tissue may be done.  Surgery should be combined with removal of the inciting agents and/or allergy immunotherapy where allergies have been noted to be a factor.
